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Monday, October 28, 2013
Saturday, October 26, 2013
NISN Nomor Induk Siswa Nasional
5 Makanan Yang Bikin Otak Mudah Konsentrasi
Friday, October 25, 2013
Panduan Menyiapkan Dana Ibadah Haji

Untuk bisa mendaftar kursi haji, Anda perlu menyiapkan dana sebesar Rp25 juta. Jika saat ini Anda sudah memiliki tabungan sebesar Rp5 juta, LKS bisa memberikan pinjaman Rp20 juta yang dapat dicicil selama 12-36 bulan. Untuk transaksi ini, dikenakan biaya administrasi yang harus dibayarkan di awal yang besarnya bisa bervariasi pada masing-masing LKS.
6 Gangguan Mental pada Anak
- Kecemasan (Ansietas)
Anak yang memiliki gangguan obsesif kompulsif, post traumatic stress disorder dan fobia sosial seringkali mengalami ansietas/kecemasan yang mengganggu aktivitas sehari-hari - Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Gangguan ini ditandai dengan kesulitan memusatkan perhatian, hiperaktif dan perilaku impulsif - Autisme
Autisme merupakan suatu masalah perkembangan yang serius yang seringkali terlihat pada anak-anak, biasanya sebelum usia 3 tahun. Hal ini mempengaruhi kemampuan anak untuk berkomunikasi dan berinteraksi dengan orang lain - Gangguan makan
Gangguan makan seperti anoreksia nervosa, bulimia nervosa dan binge-eating disorder merupakan suatu kondisi yang serius. Anak seringkali memiliki preokupasi pikiran dengan makanan adn berat badan sehingga tidak dapat berkonsentrasi pada hal lain - Gangguan mood
Depresi dan gangguan bipolar dapat menyebabkan anak memiliki perasaan kesedihan yang persisten atau perubahan mood yang ekstrim - Skizofrenia
Penyakit mental kronis ini menyebabkan anak kehilangan sentuhan dengan realitas (psikosis)
- Psikoterapi
Psikoterapi dapat membantu anak untuk mempelajari cara merespon suatu situasi yang menantan dengan cara yang sehat. Anak juga akan diajak untuk belajar mengenai kondisinya, perasaannya, mood, pikirannya dan perilakunya - Medikasi
Obat-obatan seperti stimulan, antidepresan, antiansietas, antipsikotik atau mood stabilizer akan diberikan tergantung dari kondisi anak
Studi: Gejala Stroke bisa Dilihat Dari Mata
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Cara menghilangkan bekas jerawat secara tradisional |alami
Beberapa Cara Menghilangkan Bekas Jerawat Pada Wajah
Tips menghilangkan jerawat menggunakan bahan alami
Perawatan Kaki Agar Selalu Bersih Sehat dan Cantik
Cara Cepat Mendapatkan Kehamilan Dengan Makanan
Teaching Simple Present Tense through Conversation
The important of conversation in speaking skill
English is an international language that domain the improvement of technology and science. At the moment it includes many aspects of daily activities such as, education, politic, economic, medic, and law. Then it is not be avoided that English has been consumed by the people who wrestle with their own field. There are four kinds of language skill which very important for us in learning English, such as speaking, reading, listening and writing. On the other hand there is one of skills that is usually demands us to master it. That is speaking skill and grammar, because commonly the people who can speak English fluency they will easy to get a job. At least they can understand about English article. The key of mastering speaking skill is practicing more and more and never be forgot its process needs learner self confidence. Speaking without knowing the structural of language also is nothing. Therefore as an English learner we also have to pay attention on grammatical language. It can be easy listener to understand the purpose of our conversation. it is also can increase our confidence in speaking. One of important in grammatical is tenses. Because when we are making conversation with the other one, we are included in a time where the tenses are used and in English there 16 tenses but that usually use in daily activity is four tenses are present tense, past tense, future tense. For this opportunity, in this paper I will tell about simple present tense because this tense more easier to be learned than the other else. And students are going to understand easily because it just uses the verb one. We can relate the uses of simple present by using conversation because the application is very important beside some theories.
Theoretical Background
A. English Teaching Learning Process
Teaching is an activity that is needed in educational world. Teaching consist of contact between two individuals are teacher and students. This process will be effective if the teacher use the appropriate method for different material. The main point in teaching English is communication, especially good communication between students and teacher. Because the problem that commonly happen in teaching learning is lacking of communication.
“One of the greatest student’s problem of acquiring English is the lack of communicative ( N.Domba Benda, 1978: 87)
B. Teaching Tense Trough Communication Approach
“Speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving and processing information “ (Brown, 1994; Burns & Joyce, 1997)
“Conversation is talking between two or more people in which thoughts, feelings and ideas are expressed, question are asked and answered or news and information are exchanged”
Finding Data
Tense means time. However, it should be pointed out that time in relation to action is a concept that exist in the mind of the speaker, reader or listener. Tense in actual usage refers consistently only to grammatical forms. (America Book Company by George E.Wishon ) Often tense and time do not correspond at all. Based on Linda C.stanley “ways to writing” ( 427) Tense is verb tense indicates the relationships between an action or state of being and the passage of time. The present tense indicates that something is talking place now.
“In general, the simple present express events or situations that exist always, usually, habitually, they exist now, have existed in the pass, and probably will exist in the future”
“ Tense is one of forms which a verb takes by inflection or by adding auxiliary words, so as to indicate the time of the action or even signified; the modification which verbs undergo for the indication of time”
“Tense is a grammatical category of verbs used to express distinctions of time”
W. Stannard Allen explained in his book ( Living English structure for schools) Present tense (simple) this tense is the same as the infinitive ( root form) of the verb. Unlike the continuous form, the simple present tense does not really describe acts that are habitual or usual.
In Robert Khorn of English sentence structure
A. Simple present tense with verbs other than be
Statement: He works
Question with Do, Does: Does he work?
Short answer: yes he does
“Simple present tense designates action occurring at the time of speaking or writing”
“Simple present tense is tense denoting an action happening in this time “
“The simple present tense is talking something happens all the time or repeatedly or something is true in general “
Present Simple Function (when to use the Present Simple)
The Present Simple verb tense has two primary functions:
- To talk about “general truths,” that is, to talk about something that was true in the past, is true now, and will be true in the future (e.g., The sun rises in the East. Nurses work hard. Water boils at 100 °C.)
- To talk about habits or rituals (e.g., I pay income taxes every year. She drinks coffee. We watch T.V. all the time. The Giants always lose.)
Speaking skill analysis is a comprehensive look at both the public speaker and the delivery. Our analysis will cover three areas of the speech. Use these to grade your self or be graded to attain constant and never ending improvement.
A conversation is communication between multiple people. It is a social skill that is not difficult for most individuals. Conversations are the ideal form of communication in some respects, since they allow people with different views on a topic to learn from each other. A speech, on the other hand, is an oral presentation by one person directed at a group.
Conversation is indispensable for the successful accomplishment of almost all activities between people, especially the coordination of work, the formation of friendship and for learning.
Classification of conversation
The majority of conversations can be divided into four categories according to their major subject content:
- Conversations about subjective ideas, which often serve to extend understanding and awareness.
- Conversations about objective facts, which may serve to consolidate a widely-held view.
- Conversations about other people (usually absent), which may be critical, competitive, or supportive. This includes gossip
- Conversations about oneself, which sometimes indicate attention-seeking behavior.
Each type of conversation has its own cluster of purposes and expectations attached.
- Functional conversation is designed to convey information in order to help achieve an individual or group goal.
- Small talk is a type of conversation where the topic is less important than the social purpose of achieving bonding between people or managing personal distance
- Banter is non-serious conversation, usually between friends, which may
rely on humor in-jokes at the expense of those taking part. The purpose
of banter may at first appear to be an offensive affront to the other
person's face. However, people engaging in such a conversation are often
signaling that they are comfortable enough in each others' company to
be able to say such things without causing offense. Banter is
particularly difficult for those on the autism spectrum, or those with
semantic pragmatic distorter (
“Conversation is general course of conduct; behavior “
“Conversation is the use of speech for informal exchange of views or ideas or information etc:”
“Conversation is expression and exchange of individual ideas; talking with other people”
Analyzing Data
A conversation is communication between two people or more. It is a social skill that is not difficult for most individuals. Conversations are the ideal form of communication in some respects; it is used by the people to exchange their idea and information. By conversation they can know and learn from the individual character each other. We live in this world as a social community therefore conversation between other is needed. A speech, on the other hand, is an oral presentation by one person directed at a group. “Speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving and processing information”. Its relation to my chapter this is the point that I will explain more is tense, definition of tense
“Tense is a grammatical dictionary of verbs used to express distinctions of time.”
Simple present tense
Simple present tense is tense denoting an action happening in this time. This tense is used to talk about things in general. We are not only thinking about now, but it is used to say that something happens all the time or repeatedly or that something is true in general. It is not important whether the action is happening at the time of speaking.
For example: We usually go away at weekends (Habitual action)
The pattern is S+V1+O
For the third person singular ( He, She, It) we should notice the verb by adding “S” in the last. She drinks the water everyday. If the verb ending by SS,SH,CH, X,O, are ending by “es” in the last of verb. He catches that ball as soon as possible. If the verb ending by “y” preceded by consonant “y” is changed by “i” and added with “es”. She studies English at the moment. There is also the verbs ending in “y” preceded by vowel, only “s” is added. He plays badminton every morning. For making questions and negative sentences in present simple uses the verb “DO and Does”. Here is the example;
Introgative: Do ( I/we/they/you) work ?
Does ( he/she/it) come ?
Negative: ( I/we/you/they) do not work
( He/she/it) does not come
The uses of simple present tense
1. Simple present tense is used to denote the habitual action; as we know the habitual action is the acts that we always do repeatly. For example :
- We go to school everyday
- They usually get up at four o’clock
The adverbs of time commonly used to express the habitual action, are : usually, generally, often, never, seldom, sometimes, always, everyday ( every week, every month, etc) On Saturday ( Monday, Wednesday and etc) twice a week.
2. Simple present is used to denote the general truth; here the things can not be changed by us because those are have been definite happen. For example ;
- The plane flies in the sky
- Do the fish live in the water?
3. Simple present is used to denote the character of someone or his ability; usually this tense is used to show someone skill or character. For example
- The students study hard
- That girl does not sing beautifully
4. Simple present is used to emphasize the action; to make someone trust us, we can emphasize our action using Do or Does before the ordinary verb. So, simple present tense can be named with “ The present emphatic tense”
- I do speak English everyday
- We do prepare our lesson before examination
The relation between conversation and teaching simple present tense
Teaching tenses can bored even for the teacher or especially for student, because in grammar many rules or patterns that we should not forget it all. To make it interesting and simple in order the student feel enjoy and then material can be reminded easily by them. Practice is the best choice in this case. The practicing way is through direct conversation between students ( a fairs) after the teacher told clearly about simple present tense and its uses in reality.
“Conversation is talking between two or more people in which thoughts, feelings, and ideas are expressed questions are asked and answered or news and information are exchanged “
For example; Student A is Hanna
Student B is David
David : Hi,, good morning ,,Hanna?
Hanna : Good morning,, Dav
David : How are you today ?
Hanna : I am fine and how about you ?
David : I am fine too,, thank you. But you look so tired Hanna. Can you tell me about your daily activity before going to this class?
Hanna : No,,I do not think so. But I will tell u about that. I usually get up at 4.15 am o’clock to pray shubuh. So, I take bath and wash my dress at 05.15 am after that I help my mother to prepare a breakfast for my family. Finally we take a breakfast together, and my father always accompanies me come to this school. Just at all.
David : Oh,,,I see,,but can you give me the solution for getting early ? because I always late for praying subuh..
Hanna : Yes, of course, that is the simple one, you just change your daily time to sleep. Before it what time do you always sleep at night?
David : All right,,it is around 11.00 pm o’clock. Because I always watch my favorite program on television before going to bed.
Hanna : Oh no,,,you have to change your bad habitual activity. That is important for your health beside you can pray subuh on time. Because normally we need the time for sleeping is around eight hours. As the poem said early to bed and early to get up makes people healthy, wealthy, and wise. Do you want it ?
David : Yes,,of course I want it,,I am going to try it.
Thanks you Hanna..
Hanna : You’re welcome,,,Wish you Luck Dav,,
English skill and English component is a unit that can not be separated. Those are having relation each other. That relation seems clear when the English it self is used by native speaker or English learner. Speaking without knowing the structure is laming and structure without practicing is nothing.
Simple present tense is used for habitual action or general truth and making conversation between students in teaching grammar can keen the memorizing pattern and influence their English speaking